четверг, 17 декабря 2009 г.

The Xbox 360 or the PS 3?

We are in the age of the next generation of consoles, and it's quite a battle between Microsoft's highly powerful Xbox 360 and Sony's highly touted Playstation 3. Which has a cleared path to victory? Which is a better investment for consumers? Which can provide the best gaming experience possible?
Let's face it, these gaming consoles don't come cheap. And in the face of a global recession, we will want the best value for our money. So, which console will be worth our hard earned cash? The Xbox 360 or the PS 3?

Alas, the answer to that question depends on 5 key points that every avid gamer is concerned about.

  • 1. Which console has a deeper game library? Games define game machines, not the other way around. Quality, of course, is more important than quantity, but a console that has 100 games has better chances of getting more quality games than a console which has 50 games. When it comes to the depth of the game library, the Xbox 360 is the runaway winner. Having been released a year before the PS 3, the Xbox 360 has managed to amass quite a number of exclusive titles. WINNER: Xbox 360.
  • 2. Which console offers a better online experience? Basically, this is a battle between Xbox Live and the Playstation Network. The difference between them is like night and day. Xbox Live provides a smooth, optimized multiplayer experience. The Playstation Network is laggy. Xbox Live hosts more demos and freebies than its counterpart. Though the Playstation Network has released a Second Life-like social networking, avatar-based game called Home, the Xbox Live has secured partnerships with a slew of digital distributors that will stream content for Xbox 360 owners. WINNER: Xbox 360.
  • 3. Which console is more reliable? The PS 3 is known as a very durable machine. There are even rumors that the Japanese engineers who test drove the PS 3 had it play continuously inside a sauna bath... and the unit fared very, very well. The Xbox 360 is plagues by numerous (way too numerous) reports of error codes involving 3 red lights - infamously known as 3RL - which indicate general hardware failure that will render the console unplayable. Though Microsoft has tried to remedy the situation by extending the Xbox 360's warranty to an unprecedented 3 years, the PS 3 is the current console that provides interrupted gaming enjoyment. If you want to play with confidence about your console, go for the PS 3. WINNER: Playstation 3.
  • 4. Which console is more affordable? As of this writing, the Xbox 360 Arcade package costs $199, and the basic package costs $299. The Playstation 3 80GB costs $399 and Sony refuses to implement a price drop, claiming that they already lose $307 for every unit sold since production of the PS 3 is quite expensive. WINNER: Xbox 360.
Based on the four areas of concern discussed above, the Xbox 360 is the clear cut winner.
But the more important question is: Is the Xbox 360 the clear cut winner for you as well?

For more information and opinions you can check source blog at http://www.consoleblogger.com/

Top 5 Games on WII vs PS3 vs XBOX

Top 5 Nintendo Wii Games
Nintendo Wii is one of the top games consoles that are released in the market. The features of this game console are equal to and can even surpass that of the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. It has great accessories that its players can truly use to maximize their gaming experience. There are wireless controllers and pointing accessories.

  1. Wii Sports resort. This is a great addition to the Nintendo Wii portfolio. It has different sports like tennis and basketball. The background setting is the beach. There are wakeboarding and other numerous mini scenarios that players from all age groups can truly enjoy. This particular Nintendo Wii Games is truly enjoyable and a great way to relax your mind.
  2. Mario Kart Wii. This is another great addition to the Super Marios series. The courses in this epic are quite colorful and are quite challenging to play with. This is a game that children would love to play. There are a lot of features and the most favorite part of most users is the mid air stunt. Other highlights are the giant mushroom and lightning bolt.
  3. Super Smash Bros. The great thing about this game is you can play it online. There are customized matches that you can enjoy. You can easily is several accessories in playing this game. You can use a basic controller or a nunchuck. Players from all age groups can enjoy this game.
  4. The Legend of Zelda. This is an adventure game from Nintendo Wii Games. You will surely enjoy playing this particular game. There are great plots and features on this game. The puzzle is quite an interesting feature of the game. The main characters are Princes Zelda and Link. The battle can take place in vast fields and dungeons. Every time you win a battle you will be rewarded with an item that you can use during your quest. If you like adventure games, then you should definitely try this one.
  5. Wii Guitar Hero: World Tour. This game allows up to 8 players where you can play together and even compete online. The previous Guitar Hero allows you to play the traditional guitar only. With this latest installment, you can now play drums and even sing. You can choose to play only one instrument, or perform a band together with your buddies. If you are game for some challenge, you can also choose to compete online. What makes this game so overwhelming popular is the ability to play together as a band, like some rock-star band, while your friend sing to the tune. Another great feature of the Guitar Hero : World Tour is that it allows you to use your own tracks to play the game. If you are good enough, you can also create your own songs by following the tutorials. It's a fun game for all ages. 

Top 5  PlayStation 3 Games
PlayStation 3 games have, once again, provided its users a great array of games. It has definitely surpassed some of the players' expectations. It is easy to use and and enjoyable. PlayStation 3 are quite compatible for any user. Children and adult alike definitely enjoys them. Many are still looking forward to some of the the new releases by Sony for this Christmas.

  1. Resistance 2. This is a war scenario. It is also a first shooter. The leading character is Nathan Hale. The fight takes place in the US territory and he is fighting against Chimera. It is quite exciting and full of action.
  2. Little Big Planet. This particular PlayStation 3 offering is a puzzle. It is quite very popular. You can create your own character and choose an environment that you would want to play in. in solving the puzzle, it would involve avoiding traps and enemies. It has cute characters and quite easy to play.
  3. Call of Duty. This is another war scenario coming from the selection of classic PlayStation 3 offerings. In playing this you can use certain powerful ammunitions. This game requires tactical abilities to win and has great visuals and special effects.
  4. Valkyria Chronicles. Playstaion 3 games have once again provided a gem that has one of the best storylines. It has a great story, best visual and graphic effect, and the play is quite exciting. The scene is in Europa( a fictional version of Europe) and it happened in the year 1935. This involves the player to protect its nation national resources. Playing this is both interesting and very addictive.
  5. Fallout 3. This would involve fighting against mutants. This is very exciting and transpires after nuclear fallout. This is definitely one of the best PlayStation 3 releases. It keeps its player at the edge of their seats with its exciting events.

Xbox 360 - Top 5 Recommended Games
There are many fine games for the Xbox 360 game console, offering engaging experiences and lots of fun. The Xbox 360 action type game is a very popular genre of game leading to many shooting game productions. With all these choices, knowing about all the games may be difficult. So, here it is a list of ten popular Xbox 360 games that most likely will suit the needs of most players for entertainment.

  1. Bioshock - This is one of the best top 10 games of Xbox 360 offering amazingly polished graphics as well as sound, besides a complex and deep gameplay, an impressive story giving an overall captivated feeling that keeps the player playing. This is a popular game that puts the player in an underwater theater to combat entertaining battles in the story mode. This game does not characterize online multiplayer mode, but is a must buy game for Xbox 360.
  2. Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls IV - This is a game that has arrived as a rare feat and lives up to the expectation, besides it surpasses creating an experience that every player can enjoy. Oblivion is a very fine game that is worth an investment and a must to buy game for Xbox 360.
  3. Halo 3 - It 3 is also one of the finest games for the Xbox 360 and the attraction is that every aspect of this game is almost perfect, ranging from presentation to campaign. The game allows playing for months and years and gives the satisfaction of meeting the absolute value. Halo 3 includes powerful battles with alien races amidst the impressive graphical designs, and is an online multiplayer game.
  4. Fallout 3 - Fallout 3 has hit the store shelves finally, but is not a hardcore shooter game as it offers satisfying exploration, a great story in beautiful settings and combat with some ghastly enemies. This is a sequel that is being annihilated by nukes, but the graphical work and the overall experience is magnificent that makes it a must buy game.
  5. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - It offers a great experience of shooting game using modern weapons in the contemporary combat settings. It also offers great moments and a tight gameplay that works in the pursuit to get rid of terrorists. It is an online multiplayer game having pretty and satisfying rounds making it highly recommendable to buy for Xbox 360.

iPhone against Sony PSP and Nintendo DS

Portable game consoles - a genre already to a certain extent settled, with approximately same set of players. Regular attempts not having special success to establish a toy on the basis of Linux it is not counted. Threat for technological PSP and old-fashioned, but charming DS has come from the unevident side: the competitor had appeared iPhone, it is initial so was probable pretended to be simply cool communicator.

iPhone against Sony PSP and Nintendo DS

Like iphone, and portable game consoles are device from different categories: communicator which fundamental function follows from the name, and the toys, incidentally giving the chance to listen to music and to look sites. By itself, and PSP - more than it is enough matchings DS, and here iphone to output SDK as the competitor it was not perceived that it is no wonder.
And here blog Kotaku has attended to compare technical characteristics - game characteristics iphone to check while there is nothing, and the amusing picture has turned out:

Nintendo DS 67 MHz ARM 946E-S (N-Gage processor) + 33 MHz ARM7TDMI (same processor as the original iPods)
4MB RAM 256KB Flash + cartridge storage Dual,
256х192 3 "displays; one is stylus touch sensitive
No accelerometres
No camera
No mobile radio
WiFi 802.11b/g
No Bluetooth

Sony PSP 333 MHz MIPS R4000 CPU + GPU with 2 MB onboard VRAM running at 166 MHz 32 MB main RAM (new models expanded to 64MB), and 4 MB embedded DRAM. MemoryStick storage,
UMD media 480х272 (368х207 usable for video);
no touch screen features
No accelerometres
No camera
No mobile radio
WiFi 802.11b
No Bluetooth

Apple iPhone Samsung ARM SoC 620 MHz 1176 running at 412 Mhz + PowerVR MBX 3D GPU
128MB RAM 8 or 16GB Flash storage
320х480 3.5"display with finger multitouch input
Accelerometers for direct physical control
2 Megapixel camera
Quad band GSM + EDGE
WiFi 802.11 b/g
BlueTooth 2.0 EDR

As a matter of fact, all parametres more than are sufficient to deprive of arguments of supporters of both game platforms. The progressive interface with accelerometer and multitouch, the screen more bigger than for analogues , more powerful processor, the convenient operating system, and now and accessible toolkit for software development, and in particular, games. On presentation SDK so a lot of attention was given to perspectives of co-operating to developers of games.
Let's add to all enumerated that fact that iphone, no less than ipod touch steadily associate for buyers with all bar IPOD which not one year dominates in the market of portable media record players. Adds confidence of game future iphone and that fact that unlike consoles, this device first of all is intended for the purposes quite serious. The audience ready permanently to carry with self a games hookup, practically anything else not knowing how, qualitatively differs from an audience, that use cool and powerful communicator on which, to a heap, is also set of professionally developed games, last where more .
In common, we will wait output The Spore or still something so scale that promised portation on iphone if all is successful - for certain the heap of users on this platform will be spanned for possibility of a combination in one device and phone and music from video and games to a heap.

Demo The Spore on iphone - video from presentation SDK

Tips For Game Console Buyers

As Christmas approaches, increasingly you will hear people shouting in despair - "Where Can I Get A Wii?" There will be hundreds of thousands of consoles sold in the run-up to Christmas this year, but the most popular console is the Nintendo Wii. Compared to the next generation capabilities and slick graphics of the PS3 and XBox360, the Nintendo Wii looks quite basic. It's the unique and innovative controller which has caused the stir and captured people's imagination.

The popularity of the Wii however, does have a drawback. Namely, that they are selling like the proverbial hot cakes, and very soon you will not be able to buy one this side of Christmas for love or money! Imagine the disappointment your children would face, of having to tell them they need to wait until after Christmas because Nintendo sold out of consoles.

To help you avoid this situation, here are my top 4 tips.

  • Do Buy Early OK, I'm not teaching you to suck eggs, as with all Christmas presents, you need to make sure you do not leave this until the last minute. It's worth reminding you of this point though, because time flies quickly and before you know it, the console you were thinking of buying in October is no longer available because you have left it too long and it's already November.
  • Do Not Pay Over the Odds There will be some unscrupulous people who have realised there will be a shortage early on in the year and will have stocked up with Wii consoles to take advantage of this. Check eBay in the weeks before Christmas. I guarantee there will be people selling their old consoles for more than double the retail price of a new one. Sure, you don't want to disappoint your kids, but nothing is worth giving these immoral internet highway robbers the satisfaction of fleecing you.
  • Team Up With Other Shoppers Find out if any of your friends are also looking for a Wii this Christmas, or other such gift. That way, if you happen to be in a shop or on a website and you see two (or however many) Wii consoles, then you can snap them both up and save your friend a lot of hassle in the process. Of course, you need to keep in touch, otherwise you could all find yourself with multiple consoles!
  • Only Buy From Known Websites Don't send your hard earned cash off to people you don't know. People do the silliest things in times of stress. Play it safe online.

So, there you have it. Get to work. Scour the shops. Buy early. Then at least you won't be the one bemoaning "Where can I get a Wii before Christmas?" as the day approaches.

Chris Hobson is an article writer. He also writes about Collagen Supplements on the site Collagen Capsules.

Comparison of PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii.

Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii
This story about games consoles of new generation. Certainly, in this case a question, it is not necessary what to buy so sharply as we will tell at a choice of a new mobile phone (platforms only three). But also here there are reefs. For example, getting phone or the computer, we to a certain extent can be assured of compatibility of almost any software. In a case with platforms it not so, and sampling Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii we receive also games distinct from others, online services and accessories. Therefore it is not necessary to hurry up. Let's weigh at first all pro and contra.
XBOX 360XBOX 360

Let's begin with appearance. The factor would seem not the most important (can argue) but indicative. Microsoft has seriously enough worked over the child, to be exact has arrived, reasonably having subcontracted this work to venerable design studio Astro Studios and Hers Experimental Design Laboratory. The result has turned out on lovely sight - soft contours, the original form, ideally equal forward panel. All it allows Xbox 360 to look where more advantageously PS3, simply being magnified copy PS2. However, having given so much attention of forms-factors, Microsoft has admitted some misses. Despite that Xbox 360 is easier than Sony PlayStation 3 (which 5 kg weigh), but rustles it is much more.
Playstation 3
Against these monsters Wii looks modestly. But. Big BUT. In it its advantage also sees. Small Nintendo Wii it is easy, almost silent, takes very few places and thanks to unpretentious design it will be entered in any house interior.

Unfortunately advantages Wii are only continuation of its lacks. It becomes obvious if to look at a stuffing of all three games hookups. In them the processor collected on technology PowerPC is used. But if in Xbox 360 it is IBM Xenon 3,2 GHz, and in PS3 impressing multicore IBM Cell BE 3,2 GHz Wii has received modest IBM Broadway 730 MHz.

Over a videosystem for PS3 worked well-known NVIDIA. Quite decent model capable to work on frequency more than 600 MHz began result of that. ATI "conjuring" with Xbox 360 and Wii, here has a little lost. The first the option has received from it ATI Radeon 500 MHz, and the second and at all ATI Hollywood GPU 243 MHz.

With Nintendo Wii all is clear. It initially also was not going to compete with Sony and Microsoft, making next "monster" with magnificent characteristics. Instead children have found the niche which not only that has appeared is profitable so also threatens to press "leaders" seriously. And meanwhile these "leaders" continue technological race. Purely on figures PS3 looks more powerful, but in practice Xbox 360 while surpasses the competitor. Why so occurs? The matter is that processor PS3 offering developers the big possibilities, makes to their serious demands. In turn Xbox 360 "is more friendly" and offers old kind instruments, for example DirectX.

Nintendo Wii

It would Seem, here Sony has won, having equipped the options with a Blue-Ray-drive. But not all so is simple. Yes Blue-Ray has conclusive advantages before usual DVD a format, but there are also minuses. First, it is a piece, without having given at present what essential advantages, has seriously magnified cost Sony PlayStation 3. And, secondly, difficultly to present that will do Sony if Blue-Ray all the same will lose war of formats HD-DVD. To whom then their expensive options will be necessary?

However, if to estimate a situation it is objectively necessary to recognise that PS3 is more potential.

That advantage which has Xbox 360, in many respects speaks earlier receipt in wide sale. When Sony and Nintendo only showed to the world the child, Microsoft already in all grasped the market. This year hangs till now the huge weight standing persecutors. It is necessary to give due Microsoft. It used time efficiently. Xbox 360 has more quantity of games, wider choice of accessories and a loud name behind the back. Despite the international financial crisis difficultly to present that, the company will suddenly stop to support the game platform. The most popular games for the console: Halo 3, Rock Band (1,2), Guitar Hero (1,2,3), Dead Rising, Call of Duty 4, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Grand Theft Auto IV.
PS3 In turn cannot brag of a considerable quantity of exclusive games. Truth Sony burns with the desire to break this situation. So this year company Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has presented Heavy Rain from Quantic Dream. It is multilevel game with the intricate scenario. According to developers, they managed to get rid of a linear plot and now the full author of game becomes itself playing.

XBox Live

The important factor for the modern game console are online services. Here simply total superiority for Xbox Live. Work of this service is already estimated under the highest standards. Xbox Live it is simple and convenient. Once, having passed simple recording, the user receives ник, working in all online games. The common statistics and a rating of players is conducted. Besides through system it is possible to download demoversions of games, patches and modes. For calculations in Xbox Live the special volute - Microsoft Points is used. It is possible to receive the new modes full of the version of games, films and various video For it in excellent quality and the high permission. Premium-except all listed allows with the help sets and web cameras to communicate with any corner of a planet.

Sony with the PlayStation Network on this background looks rather blankly. Yes as a whole she offers the same possibilities moreover unlike Microsoft is free, but they are realised worse than ever. There is no common system of ratings, irritating screens with the licence agreement, abundance of bugs constantly jump out. The company tries to correct a situation by means of "heavy" updatings, but yet very much it turns out. Whereas upgrades Microsoft have local character and always "have to a court yard".

Nintendo has initially gone some other way and did not begin to unite the services in a uniform service on similarity Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. Online services for Wii are accessible in the form of channels with this or that information or service. Difficultly to judge advantages of such approach. The future will judge, but already now Wii at least does not lose PS3.

Nintendo Wii Controller -Wii Remote

Sony PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii therefore are games hookups of new generation that to all aspects of the game world have the new approaches. Especially brightly it was expressed in controller Wii Remote offered Nintendo. It traces each movement of the player which is there and then reflected in the screen. Has not less pleased and Wii Nunchak (an original option to the controller). On it some buttons find room.

Sony PlayStation 3 Controller

Controller PS3 too, as well as Wii uses gyroscopes, and here Xbox 360 unexpectedly has not followed the tastes of a mode. Company Sony has simply used the best efforts for creation of the most convenient controller, and it on assurances of gamers quite was possible to it.

Who is not known will come out from this race by the winner. Each option has the pluses and the minuses. On sales like is in the lead Xbox 360, but Wii the unique is on sale not at a loss. Besides PS3 though loses while to competitors by quantity of the sold options, but in its iron it is put больший potential. Anyway, at present the best choice for the compulsive gambler is Xbox 360, and the best gift for all family, is unconditional - Nintendo Wii. And PS? Well, who can be charged, what it is not expected by the fine future? So think and sample. To solve in any case to you.