четверг, 17 декабря 2009 г.

Comparison of PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii.

Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii
This story about games consoles of new generation. Certainly, in this case a question, it is not necessary what to buy so sharply as we will tell at a choice of a new mobile phone (platforms only three). But also here there are reefs. For example, getting phone or the computer, we to a certain extent can be assured of compatibility of almost any software. In a case with platforms it not so, and sampling Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii we receive also games distinct from others, online services and accessories. Therefore it is not necessary to hurry up. Let's weigh at first all pro and contra.
XBOX 360XBOX 360

Let's begin with appearance. The factor would seem not the most important (can argue) but indicative. Microsoft has seriously enough worked over the child, to be exact has arrived, reasonably having subcontracted this work to venerable design studio Astro Studios and Hers Experimental Design Laboratory. The result has turned out on lovely sight - soft contours, the original form, ideally equal forward panel. All it allows Xbox 360 to look where more advantageously PS3, simply being magnified copy PS2. However, having given so much attention of forms-factors, Microsoft has admitted some misses. Despite that Xbox 360 is easier than Sony PlayStation 3 (which 5 kg weigh), but rustles it is much more.
Playstation 3
Against these monsters Wii looks modestly. But. Big BUT. In it its advantage also sees. Small Nintendo Wii it is easy, almost silent, takes very few places and thanks to unpretentious design it will be entered in any house interior.

Unfortunately advantages Wii are only continuation of its lacks. It becomes obvious if to look at a stuffing of all three games hookups. In them the processor collected on technology PowerPC is used. But if in Xbox 360 it is IBM Xenon 3,2 GHz, and in PS3 impressing multicore IBM Cell BE 3,2 GHz Wii has received modest IBM Broadway 730 MHz.

Over a videosystem for PS3 worked well-known NVIDIA. Quite decent model capable to work on frequency more than 600 MHz began result of that. ATI "conjuring" with Xbox 360 and Wii, here has a little lost. The first the option has received from it ATI Radeon 500 MHz, and the second and at all ATI Hollywood GPU 243 MHz.

With Nintendo Wii all is clear. It initially also was not going to compete with Sony and Microsoft, making next "monster" with magnificent characteristics. Instead children have found the niche which not only that has appeared is profitable so also threatens to press "leaders" seriously. And meanwhile these "leaders" continue technological race. Purely on figures PS3 looks more powerful, but in practice Xbox 360 while surpasses the competitor. Why so occurs? The matter is that processor PS3 offering developers the big possibilities, makes to their serious demands. In turn Xbox 360 "is more friendly" and offers old kind instruments, for example DirectX.

Nintendo Wii

It would Seem, here Sony has won, having equipped the options with a Blue-Ray-drive. But not all so is simple. Yes Blue-Ray has conclusive advantages before usual DVD a format, but there are also minuses. First, it is a piece, without having given at present what essential advantages, has seriously magnified cost Sony PlayStation 3. And, secondly, difficultly to present that will do Sony if Blue-Ray all the same will lose war of formats HD-DVD. To whom then their expensive options will be necessary?

However, if to estimate a situation it is objectively necessary to recognise that PS3 is more potential.

That advantage which has Xbox 360, in many respects speaks earlier receipt in wide sale. When Sony and Nintendo only showed to the world the child, Microsoft already in all grasped the market. This year hangs till now the huge weight standing persecutors. It is necessary to give due Microsoft. It used time efficiently. Xbox 360 has more quantity of games, wider choice of accessories and a loud name behind the back. Despite the international financial crisis difficultly to present that, the company will suddenly stop to support the game platform. The most popular games for the console: Halo 3, Rock Band (1,2), Guitar Hero (1,2,3), Dead Rising, Call of Duty 4, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Grand Theft Auto IV.
PS3 In turn cannot brag of a considerable quantity of exclusive games. Truth Sony burns with the desire to break this situation. So this year company Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has presented Heavy Rain from Quantic Dream. It is multilevel game with the intricate scenario. According to developers, they managed to get rid of a linear plot and now the full author of game becomes itself playing.

XBox Live

The important factor for the modern game console are online services. Here simply total superiority for Xbox Live. Work of this service is already estimated under the highest standards. Xbox Live it is simple and convenient. Once, having passed simple recording, the user receives ник, working in all online games. The common statistics and a rating of players is conducted. Besides through system it is possible to download demoversions of games, patches and modes. For calculations in Xbox Live the special volute - Microsoft Points is used. It is possible to receive the new modes full of the version of games, films and various video For it in excellent quality and the high permission. Premium-except all listed allows with the help sets and web cameras to communicate with any corner of a planet.

Sony with the PlayStation Network on this background looks rather blankly. Yes as a whole she offers the same possibilities moreover unlike Microsoft is free, but they are realised worse than ever. There is no common system of ratings, irritating screens with the licence agreement, abundance of bugs constantly jump out. The company tries to correct a situation by means of "heavy" updatings, but yet very much it turns out. Whereas upgrades Microsoft have local character and always "have to a court yard".

Nintendo has initially gone some other way and did not begin to unite the services in a uniform service on similarity Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. Online services for Wii are accessible in the form of channels with this or that information or service. Difficultly to judge advantages of such approach. The future will judge, but already now Wii at least does not lose PS3.

Nintendo Wii Controller -Wii Remote

Sony PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii therefore are games hookups of new generation that to all aspects of the game world have the new approaches. Especially brightly it was expressed in controller Wii Remote offered Nintendo. It traces each movement of the player which is there and then reflected in the screen. Has not less pleased and Wii Nunchak (an original option to the controller). On it some buttons find room.

Sony PlayStation 3 Controller

Controller PS3 too, as well as Wii uses gyroscopes, and here Xbox 360 unexpectedly has not followed the tastes of a mode. Company Sony has simply used the best efforts for creation of the most convenient controller, and it on assurances of gamers quite was possible to it.

Who is not known will come out from this race by the winner. Each option has the pluses and the minuses. On sales like is in the lead Xbox 360, but Wii the unique is on sale not at a loss. Besides PS3 though loses while to competitors by quantity of the sold options, but in its iron it is put больший potential. Anyway, at present the best choice for the compulsive gambler is Xbox 360, and the best gift for all family, is unconditional - Nintendo Wii. And PS? Well, who can be charged, what it is not expected by the fine future? So think and sample. To solve in any case to you.

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